Embed the comment section

As usual, you can add this one-liner to your HTML to embed the comment section.

<!-- Plain HTML -->
<iframe src="https://ezkomment.joulev.dev/embed/⟨siteId⟩/⟨pageId⟩"></iframe>

If you use front-end frameworks, such as React, Vue, etc., consult their documentation on how to add the <iframe> tag to your page.

Frame height

By default, the height of <iframe> is 150 pixels. Due to security concerns, configuring the <iframe> height to automatically adjust according to <iframe> content has been rather difficult. ezkomment tackles this issue by providing a simple communication API based on Window.postMessage().

Every time the comment section detects possible changes in content height, it will send a message to the parent document. The message has the following format:

  "EzkFrameHeight": 123 // number

You can then use this number to dynamically update the <iframe> height accordingly. For example, in vanilla JavaScript you can do

<iframe id="embedded-comments" src="https://ezkomment.joulev.dev/embed/⟨siteId⟩/⟨pageId⟩"></iframe>
  window.addEventListener("message", event => {
    if (event.data.hasOwnProperty("EzkFrameHeight"))
      document.getElementById("embedded-comments").style.height = event.data.EzkFrameHeight + "px";

You can see an example and its source code to see more.

React users can also see the official ezkomment demo.

Dark mode

ezkomment comment sections support dark mode variants. To use dark mode, you simply have to use dark URL param:


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